SLS Blog

board room with a blue spiral wall that says connect and engage
Branding Your Environment as Well as Your Business
Do you do business in a competitive market or in an industry where aesthetics can affect results—like beauty and fashion, food and hospitality, financial services, health and wellness, nonprofits, technology? Then you need to go the extra mile to stand...
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Marketing Takes Flight with Drone Videos
Using aerial drone footage in your marketing videos isn’t just for major brands anymore. The latest technology makes it more financially realistic and logistically possible for any marketer to add a cinematic perspective to their videos. Here’s our viewpoint.
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two phones that display different email templates
Email 101 for 2021: Trigger-based Automation
All strategies require regular updates. We’ve updated our strategies and recommendations for an automated email campaign that works for 2021.
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Real Insights About Virtual Events
The novelty of virtual events is wearing off, but the necessity isn’t. Street Level Studio asked Trey Smith, vice president of events for Simpler Media/CMSWire, to share some expert insights on creating and marketing successful online experiences.
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custom gold wallpaper in archway
All That Glitters—A Lesson in Color Control
All that glitters isn’t gold! Our senior designer applied unique color knowledge and computer skills to create a custom gilded ceiling treatment that is nothing less than brilliant.
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a smart pen designing on a tablet
Paper + Pigment: Why Designers Have Color Issues
Paper + Pigment: Why Designers Have Color Issues “In visual perception, a color is almost never seen as it really is—as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art. In order to use color effectively,...
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How You Can Get Creative About Customer Retention in 2021
How You Can Get Creative About Customer Retention in 2021 In its recent report “Accelerating Out of the Crisis,” market research company Forrester summed up 2020 as a year when “the impossible happened over and over.” Faced with its seemingly...
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a woman's hands hold a small wrapped gift that has a red polka dot bow and gift tag
It’s a Gift
The most important lesson we’ve learned these past months: Every day is a gift. So giving should be at the heart of all our holiday celebrations. For inspiration, Street Level Studio team members share some of their most memorable gift-giving...
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graphic showing hermes awards, dotcomm awards, videographer awards, and marcom awards
Our Work Provides Both Purpose and Pride
Despite all the disruption, work continues to provide us with purpose and creative opportunities. It’s also a big source of pride. In 2020, Street Level Studio once again received top awards from several international creative competitions. We’re proud to share...
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graphic in red and green that reads keep decking the halls
3 Holiday Decorating Ideas During Covid
3 Holiday Decorating Ideas During Covid Home for the holidays has taken on a whole new meaning this year. Many of us are already home . . . every day. And with chilly weather discouraging even a socially distanced walk...
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