The Gold Collection Look Book


Nine riveting gilt patterns offset by deep, understated colors create a combination of radiance and elegance that commands any room. The Gold Collection from Beyond the Surface offers luminous sophistication with a whimsical touch and unquestionable impact.


Choosing Beyond the Surface custom-designed wallcoverings is a smart way to truly set your home or business apart. Unlike a typical “choose your own pattern” wallcovering resource or a service with limited style options, we’re different because you’re different. We make it easy to translate your specific inspirations and visions into one-of-a-kind décor. Our bespoke wallcoverings don’t just make a design statement. They speak for YOU.

Whether you’ve got a project in mind or just want to be inspired, we’d love to tell you more! Get regular updates, insights, and ideas for bespoke wallcoverings that take every space beyond custom.

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Director of Sales